Email Address: 
- M.S., Computer Science, Georgia State University, 2008
- B.E., Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University, 2003
Research Interests:
- Network Security
- Wireless Ad hoc Networks
- Web Application Security
- Raheem Beyah and Aravind Venkataraman. "Rogue-Access-Point Detection: Challenges, Solutions and Future Directions." In the IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 5, 2011.
- Aravind Venkataraman, Cherita L. Corbett, and Raheem A. Beyah. "A Wired-side Approach to MAC Misbehavior Detection." In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), May 2010.
- Aravind Venkataraman and Raheem Beyah. "Rogue Access Point Detection Using Innate Characteristics of the 802.11 MAC." In the Proceedings of the International ICST Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm), September 2009.